
Local Culture Room
café and space for local artists and designers

The exhibition was set up as a micro-environment, a prototype enactment of Matchpoint.Melbourne’s key ideas. Each room represents a specific theme: everyday urban life, global perceptions of cities, design, and social sports. These are separated by sliding doors, intended to suggest how we could create new connections between these different elements and regulate their fluid spatial interaction. For instance, in this room, the everyday environment of a cafe is overlaid with the joust and jostle of social sports beyond, yielding an original and authentic experience through the combination of found elements.

represented local designers and artists:

Hand printed art wall paper
by Wilding Wallpaper, wilding.net.au

SCW (Stool, Crate, Wood) chairs
by Simon Ancher Design

Photography: Central Pl, Hosiers Ln
by Barney Meyer, barneymeyer.com

live Music
performed by Dead Forrest Index and Friends

recorded Music
from MiniInternatiol magazine, Melbourne Issue

experience urban sports in life size