
Main Space
experience urban sports in life size

An excursion to sustainability:

Space is a scarce resource for any university, especially when its campus is embedded in the city. Staging the event within an RMIT design school building was made possible by tight scheduling during the semester break. The exhibition design was then developed to appropriate and exploit the space’s existing features to tell the story. The long glazed façade became an animated billboard to the street; the main workspace converted into central court; the studio spaces transformed into themed rooms; and sliding doors that now regulated their interface with the court also became moving info-panels. Nearly all the exhibition furniture and props were purchased second-hand and later sold-on, minimising expense and waste. The two-way window projection was made feasible through developing a custom film from inexpensive kitchen supplies after much testing with alternatives.

Seeking maximum effect with a minimum of means, these strategies were small-scale enactments of the Matchpoint.Melbourne proposition the exhibition presented.

experience urban sports in life size